Delta-II/NOAA-N launch from Vandenberg AFB, May 20, 2005 |
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The NOAA-N satellite was launched from Vandenberg AFB on a Delta II booster at 3:22 A.M on Friday, May 20. It will be renamed NOAA-18 and replace the NOAA-16 staeellite later this summer.
The horizon lit up right on schedule and the Delta-II rose slowly from the pad. As the rocket accelerated, the flame grew longer and bluer. The burnout of the solid fuel boosters was clearly visible. The discarded boosters flashed periodically as they tumbled behind the ascending rocket.
This 178.6-second time exposure was taken
with a Nikon D70 digital SLR set to an effective film speed of 200 ASA with an f3.5 lens. These pictures were taken from the Santa Ynez Mountains about 35 miles from SLC-2.
This time exposure was shot on Kodak Max 400 speed color negative film through a 28mm f/2.5 lens.
The Delta II heads south on the power of the liquid fueled core. This time exposure was shot on Kodak Max 400 speed color negative film through a 28mm f/2.5 lens.
More Vandenberg AFB
launch photography.
Link to Boeing's Delta-II page.
Link to the Air Force Fact Sheet about the Delta-II.
The home page of the 30th Space
Brian Webb's Space Archive Page provides launch schedule and ham radio information.
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